Air delivery for physical and juridical persons in import/export mode

Logistic company "Delivery" provides high-quality service to its clients when rendering services of international air delivery of the cargo.

We have agency agreements virtually with all the aviation companies that operate in the Ukrainian market. In accordance with these agreements, "Delivery" has discounts for international traffic. 

Agreement for the organization of international transport and forwarding services

Application for the carriage of goods by air

Approximate rate for air transportation and customs processing 

Delivery to airport Boryspil 

from 100 kg per 1 kg

from 300 kg per 1 kg

Delivery of the cargo to the airport 

Customs processing 

Period of delivery to Boryspil airport 

Hong Kong





4-5 days






4-5 days






4-5 days






1 days

New Delhi 





4-5 days

New York





3-5 days

Company "Delivery" performs aviation transportation to more than 200 countries in the world.

Calculation of the price depends on the weight and volume of the cargo.

Delivery on the territory of Ukraine is done by standard rates.

Rate for the services of a customs broker, Boryspil airport 
Import / Export 
Physical person * Juridical person *
4 200 UAH
4 830 UAH

* Includes customs clearance, air waybill, customs inspection in the customs control zone, storage at the warehouse until departure.

The rate of the customs broker services include: 

  • consultations on customs processing;
  • determination of the code of the goods;
  • calculation of the customs payments;

Payment is made at the rate of the NBU on the date of invoicing

Call for Questions067-557-88-74

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